History of economic studies
Nebrat, V. V., Petrunya, Yu. E., Tarasevich, V. M. (Eds.). (2024). History of economic studies: textbook. Edition 3rd, add. and processing. Series: Academy and education. SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-617-95404-1-7 (electronic edition)
The textbook examines the historical evolution and modern trends of world and Ukrainian economic thought in the context of the dynamics of the economic, social, spiritual and political spheres of society. The ideas, concepts and theories of the leading thinkers of the ancient world and the Middle Ages, the scientific development of classical political economy, its founders and leading followers are characterized. Special sections of the textbook are devoted to the genesis of Marxism, neoclassicism, Keynesianism, and institutionalism. Attention is focused on the historical progress of national economic thought, the achievements of leading Ukrainian scientists and economists, in particular, the era of Ukraine's independence. The textbook includes the necessary materials from primary sources, drawings and tables, lists of basic terms and concepts, control and discussion questions, which enables the use of modern educational technologies.
For students of higher education, teachers of higher educational institutions, scientists, civil servants, managers, entrepreneurs, practicing economists and all those interested in economic science.