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General mechanism and factors of the stabilization of Ukraine’s socio-economic development

Heyets, V.M., & Hrytsenko, A.A. (Eds.). (2022). General mechanism and factors of the stabilization of Ukraine’s socio-economic development. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SI “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian] 

ISBN 978-966-02-9954-2 (electronic edition)

The paper reveals the main components of the general stabilization mechanism. It is shown that in modern conditions it is impossible to ensure stable development on market principles, or neoclassical or Keynesian approaches alone. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of Ukraine's historical trajectory, and understand the inversion nature of this country’s market transformations and the impact of modern digital transformations. One should start not with the assessment of market demand, deformed by the previous dynamics, but rather with that of the real needs of the population and business entities and the active role of the state in overcoming structural distortions. This approach becomes especially relevant in the conditions of overcoming the consequences of the war and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine’s economy.

The authors analyze the role in ensuring the stability of such factors as information and digital reindustrialization of the economy, platformization of socio-economic relations, institutionalization and socialization of the stabilization mechanisms in the real and financial spheres, and in the cyclical development of the economy.