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Economic contradictions of globalization and localization in the conditions of hybrid war and post-war reconstruction

Grytsenko, A.A. (Ed.). (2022). Economic contradictions of globalization and localization in the conditions of hybrid war and post-war reconstruction. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SI “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian] 

ISBN 978-617-14-0023-8 (electronic edition)

The monograph reveals the content, forms of manifestation and resolution of the economic contradictions of globalization and localization in the conditions of the hybrid war and post-war reconstruction. It has been found that the origins of the contradictions of globalization and localization lie in the differences between compatible and divided labor, which throughout the history of mankind go through regular stages of development and reach their peak in modern times: compatibility reaches its highest result in globalization, and separation - in localization. In this context, the war on the territory of Ukraine is characterized as a spatial localization of the global contradictions of the world's leading players. It is shown that the contradictions of globalization and localization move and are resolved in various forms, which ultimately leads to changes in the structure and mechanisms of system functioning (changes in world order, war, reconstruction, etc.). It is proposed to lay the concept of nationally rooted economic development as the basis of the reconstruction of Ukraine’s economy, which reveals the possibilities of combining the promotion of this country's sovereignty and the efforts to occupy a worthy place in the world economic system.

Intended for specialists in the field of economics and social sciences, teachers and students of higher education institutions of economic and social and humanitarian areas.