The labor market and vocational education:
Blyzniuk, V.V. (2021). The labor market and vocational education: features of interaction. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-966-02-9806-4 (electronic edition)
The monograph is a scientific product of the creative team and the result of the project "Modernization of the vocational and technical education system for the needs of the regional labor market" (KPKV 2751270) aimed at sectoral support for regional development, at the expense of state budget funds received from the European Union. The monograph examines in detail the educational and professional features of the regional labor market of the Zaporizhzhia oblast and the problems of its staffing. Reasoned approaches and original toolkit of predictive assessment of professional skills of the regional labor market allow to reveal peculiarities and mechanisms in the formation of workers’ competences and professional qualifications. The authors substantiate and modernize the methodological approaches to estimating the cost of professional training of qualified workers. The complexity and systematicity of the research is characterized by the presented methodological support of educational standards based on the modular-competency approach.
The monograph can be interesting and useful for specialists, analysts and managers who are looking for ways to meet the need for qualifications in a regional labor market.