At the crossroads of paradigms
Gorkina, L. (2021). At the crossroads of paradigms: M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky in the history of economic thought. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-966-02-9559-9 (electronic edition)
The monograph highlights the life, scientific and social and political activities of the world-famous Ukrainian scientist Mykhailo Ivanovich Tugan-Baranovsky (1865–1919). A brief retrospective of world and Ukrainian scientific economic thought in the 19th century is given and the scientist's contribution to its further development is revealed. The main attention is paid to the contribution of M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky in the history of economic doctrines, micro- and macroeconomics, and history and theory of cooperation and socialism.
For scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of higher education institutions, and everyone who is interested in the history of the economic culture of Ukraine and its representatives.