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Macro-perspectives of endogenization of economic development of Ukraine

Skrypnychenko, M.I. (Ed.). (2021). Macro-perspectives of endogenization of economic development of Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian]

ISBN 978-966-02-9735-7 (electronic edition)

The collective monograph presents research materials regarding the need for the transition of Ukraine’ economy to a predominantly endogenously oriented economic development model as a process of shaping a system of motives and incentives that ensure the proactive reproduction of the innovative advantages in the national economy, as well as the revival of internal factors and the reduction of the negative impact of external factors in this country’s socio-economic development.

For scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of economic universities, specialists in the field of economic planning and forecasting.