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Public finance in the macroeconomic policy of growth

Lunina, I.O. (2020). Public finance in the macroeconomic policy of growth. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-9537-7

The monograph deals with theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of public finance in the context of the implementation of the macroeconomic policy of growth. Risks of the state's solvency are revealed and guidelines for ensuring the long-term sustainability of public finances are substantiated. The problems of budget decentralization are identified, and various approaches to the modernization of decentralized management institutions are proposed for the effective functioning of multi-level budget systems and the revival of economic development of territories. Identified the sources of additional budgetary resources and strategic directions of transformation of public expenditures to ensure the development of the national economy.

For macroeconomic and fiscal policy specialists, scientists, teachers, graduate students and university students.