Macroeconomic balance to ensure the stability of public finances and ...
Skrypnychenko, M.I. (Ed.). (2020). Macroeconomic balance to ensure the stability of public finances and economic growth in Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-966-02-9259-8 (electronic edition)
The collective monograph presents the results of research on the development of a system of indicators and the "Table of Indicators" for monitoring macroeconomic imbalances in Ukraine based on the application of the European Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP). The authors substantiate a list of main and auxiliary indicators of macroeconomic imbalances taking into account both European experience and the specifics of the Ukrainian economy regarding the existing threats to the stability of this country’s socio-economic development regarding the following aspects: the structure of the institutional sectors of the Ukrainian economy (in terms of net lending/borrowing and gross national income, etc.); the labor market (unemployment rate, nominal value of a labor force unit, employment rate, level of economic activity, etc.); investment sphere (gross accumulation of fixed capital, inflow of foreign direct investments, amount of housing construction, etc.); social sphere (youth unemployment, poverty level, etc.); financial sphere (net investment position, loans to the private sector, debt of the private sector, total liabilities of the financial sector in Ukraine, etc.); and foreign economic sphere (current account, indices of the real effective exchange rate, Ukraine's share in world exports of goods and services, etc.). Substantiated various modern methodological approaches to the assessment of the current state of and approach to macroeconomic balance based on the example of Ukraine’s economy, and evaluated their impact on this country’s economic dynamics for the period up to 2020 under the current unstable conditions of development of the global and Ukraine’s economies.
For scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of economic universities, and specialists in the field of economic planning and forecasting.