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Monetary globalization

Sharov, O.M. (2020). Monetary globalization. Historiosophical treatise on issues of geo-economic spread of monetary relations. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].


ISBN 978-966-922-191-9

The publication examines the issue of chrymatogenesis - the appearance and spread of money and monetary relations in the geoeconomic space: from the moment of the appearance of money to the full monetization of the entire inhabited territory of the planet. The author highlights the main events in the development of monetary relations and their impact on the general processes of economic globalization, including the establishment in various countries and regions of a bimetallic and gold coin system of monetary circulation, the transition from the gold standard to credit and monetary systems, the creation of the Bretton Woods currency system, currency integration associations, etc.

The paper work is intended for economists, specialists in economic history and geography, graduate students, and is also recommended for use by students of economic specialties (primarily when preparing for the specialties "International Economic Relations", "Money Circulation and Credit", "Banking" and " Finances").