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The economic and informational imperative of the new statistical paradigm

Hrytsenko, A.A. (2020). The economic and informational imperative of the new statistical paradigm. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-9536-0

The monograph shows that economic and informational transformations require a new statistical paradigm, given that the modern statistical system emerged on the basis of industrial market economy, while now the historical transition is unfolding to an informational and network system of management, based on fundamentally different patterns of functioning. It is found out that natural economic accounting was inherent in natural economic systems, while economic statistics which takes its   complete form in the system of national accounts was inherent in industrial and market systems, and informational-network economy will correspond to socio-temporal statistics, in which time will be a substantial basis of accounting - both in its  transformed forms as value, money and property, and in its own form of free time as a space for comprehensive human development. The general methodological basis of the socio-temporal statistics paradigm is the understanding of the time of human activities as a fundamental measure of individual and social wealth. Everything ultimately costs a person a certain time of his life. The period of emergence of the information-network economy will be characterized by mixed forms of statistical systems, where natural economic accounting, cost-economic and socio-temporal statistics will be combined.

For specialists in socio-economic development, qualitative and quantitative analysis of economic processes, scientists and all those interested in modern economic issues.