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Trust in the monetary sphere:

Krychevska, T.O. (2020). Trust in the monetary sphere: a logical-historical study. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-9219-2

The monograph reveals the logical-historical process of the development of the institution of trust in the monetary sphere. Considered trust in historical forms of exchange (from syncretic exchange to monetary and cryptocurrency systems). The author shows the logical causality and concrete-historical forms of the institutionalization of credit functions, financing of industrial development, and national models of banking systems as the financial basis of social integration, and various peculiarities of the emergence and development of the functions of central banks, monetary standard institutes and monetary regime. State regulation in the monetary sphere is evaluated via its role in the implementation of social contract. The development stages of the institutional forms of ensuring trust in the monetary unit and the banking system are highlighted. It has been found that in the conditions of globalization and financial liberalization, the monetary institutions have a tendency to universalize, which can have both positive and negative consequences in different institutional conditions. Optimum solutions can be found only with a purposeful state policy based on the knowledge of the logic and concrete-historical specifics of the development of the monetary sphere.