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Finances of enterprises in the corporate sector of Ukraine’s economy

Zymovets, V.V. (Ed.). (2019). Finances of enterprises in the corporate sector of Ukraine’s economy. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian]

ISBN 978-966-02-8988-8 (electronic edition)

The monograph defines the factors and regularities of the development of company finances in the corporate sector of Ukraine’s economy. The authors single out the specifics and key disparities in corporate finance, investment activities, and bank lending at the level of the non-financial corporate sector in general and by economic activities. Identified various features of business financing models by large, medium and small enterprises. The authors develop practical approaches to assessing the financial risks of Ukraine’s companies. The key disproportions in the finances of the sector of non-financial corporations at the micro level are defined based on the financial reports of a representative sample of enterprises for the period 2006–2018. A theoretical and methodological approach to assessing the impact of tax competition on companies’ finances is developed. The impact of privatization processes and capital concentration on the finances of enterprises is defined. Analyzed the influence of macro-financial factors, the government's debt policy and the NBU's monetary policy on the company finances. The authors investigate the trends of the investment potential of non-banking financial institutions in Ukraine and define the key features of the companies’ financial relations with stock market. Formulated various reasons for the output reduction in Ukraine and revealed the role of the state in the financial support of the growth points.

The monograph will be useful for researchers, civil servants, teachers, graduate students, and university students who are interested in the development of corporate finance in Ukraine.