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Financing of social functions of the state in the conditions of transformation of the fiscal space

Stepanova, O.V. (2018). Financing of social functions of the state in the conditions of transformation of the fiscal space. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-8571-2

The monograph describes the theoretical and methodological principles of financing the social functions of the state under the transformation of the fiscal space. The author identifies various problems of the emergence and use of fiscal space for financing the social functions of the state, and proposes the principles of diagnosing the potential of fiscal space for health care. Developed methodological approaches to the formation of scenario forecasts of the influence of the financing of the health care system on the sustainability of public finances in the long- and medium-term perspective in the context of the emergence of longevity economy and the aging of the population. Substantiated various peculiarities of the decentralization of the fiscal space for financing the social functions of the state.

For professional scientists and employees of state administration and local government bodies, specialists in the budget issues and financing of the health care and social protection system, teachers, graduate students, as well as a wide circle of readers who are interested in the specified issues.