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The impact of global finance on the monetary and financial system of Ukraine

Bohdan, T.P. (Ed.). (2017). The impact of global finance on the monetary and financial system of Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-8233-9

The monograph proposes various methodical principles of identification and assessment of the impact of global finance on Ukraine’s monetary and financial system. The authors obtain estimates of the dependence on global factors of export revenue indicators, the cost and volume of attracting external financial resources, the dynamism of the development of the national stock market, the pace of investment activities and changes in the real effective exchange rate of the hryvnia. The channels of influence of dynamic changes of the world currency system on the national one are revealed and the mechanisms of influence of excessive debt burden in developed countries on the state of international finances are identified. Developed various scientific and practical proposals for risk management of the state debt of Ukraine. The authors provide an assessment of achievements and problematic areas of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and China, as well as cooperation with international financial organizations. Conceptual principles of currency policy of Ukraine are developed, as well as proposals for improving the forms, methods and tools of cooperation with China in the financial and economic sphere.

The monograph will be useful for researchers, civil servants, teachers, graduate students who are interested in the problems of international financial relations and the development of the monetary and financial system of Ukraine.