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Protectionism in the economic history of Ukraine

Bodnarchuk, T.L. (2017). Protectionism in the economic history of Ukraine (XIX - early XX centuries). NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-8354-1

The monograph is devoted to the historical and economic research on the policy of protectionism carried out by the government of the Russian Empire in Ukraine at the stage of market-industrial reforms. The author reveals the features of genesis in the scientific doctrine of protectionism in Ukrainian economic thought, and substantiates the contribution of Ukrainian scientists to the development of the conceptual foundations of industrial policy and means of government patronage. Characterized the socio-economic results of the influence of protectionism on the development of Ukraine’s economy in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The book is addressed to scientists, politicians, civil servants, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions, and all those interested in the history of economy and economic policy.