Architecture of economic security
Hrytsenko, A.A. (2017). Architecture of economic security. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-966-02-8420-3
The monograph defines the subject and method of the architectonics of economic security, which is embodied in the disclosure of the regularities of internal structure of the safe development of economic system based on the descent from the abstract to the concrete. The author clarifies the main laws of architectonics, among which the laws of statics and dynamics are highlighted, and the main architectonic principles of economic security are formulated. Basic economic destruction is identified as a fundamental factor of economic danger, which manifests itself in a number of disproportions and is reproduced in the process of functioning of Ukraine’s economy, and various ways of overcoming destruction are proposed. The main components of the mechanism of safe economic development are disclosed.