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Development of the social and labor sphere of Ukraine:

Petrova, I.L., Blyzniuk, V.V. (Eds.). (2016). Development of the social and labor sphere of Ukraine: theory, practice, prospects. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-7901-8

The paper identifies various institutional pitfalls in the formation of the social and labor sphere of Ukrainian society, substantiates the principles of overcoming them, and defines the vectors of changes in social and labor relations on the labor market under the conditions of the development of the knowledge economy. The authors have carried out an analysis of contradictory trends in the functioning of the labor market (the interaction of its formal and informal, traditional and innovative, flexible and rigid components, internal and external mobility). For the first time, an assessment is given of the rigidity of employment protection in Ukraine in the light of international comparisons. Developed various guidelines for the necessary institutional reforms. The role of wages as a regulator of the labor market, and the severity of its differentiation in Ukraine are highlighted, and urgent steps to improve the wage system, in particular in the budget sector, are identified. The priority directions for reforming the educational subsystem of the social and labor sphere are substantiated. Among important components of the research are the issues of overcoming losses caused by the imperfection of the health care system and improving the quality of life.

For scientists, state and executive authorities, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties, as well as everyone who is interested in the problems of social and labor development in Ukraine.