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Neo-industrial transformation of the industrial potential of Ukraine

Deineko, L.V. (Ed.). (2016). Neo-industrial transformation of the industrial potential of Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv. – Mode of Access : [in Ukrainian]

ISBN 978-966-02-8124-0 (electronic edition)

The authors deal with scientific principles of the neo-industrial transformation of industrial potential in conditions of global challenges and the possibility of applying strategic options for the neo-industrial transformation of industrial potential in Ukraine. The monograph substantiates the main priorities of the formation of a new industrial policy, which provide for the introduction of "green" industrial growth, improvement of financial mechanisms for the reindustrialization of the economy, improvement of the institutional and investment environment, stimulation of import substitution production, formation of a modern industrial structure of export and integration into international chains of the creation of final value under global competition.

Intended for researchers, specialists of state management bodies, managers

and specialists of various levels of industrial management, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of the I-IV level of accreditation.