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Basics of modernization of production infrastructure of Ukraine

Piriashvili, B.Z., Chyrkin, B.P., Nykyforuk, O.I. et al. (2014). Basics of modernization of production infrastructure of Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-7192-0

The monograph considers the theoretical provisions regarding the economic content of production infrastructure as an integration factor of productive forces. The authors highlight the peculiarity of mutual influence of the modernization of industrial infrastructure and the comprehensive renewal of Ukraine’s productive forces as a means to promote sustainable development of this country's economy based on the coordination of reproductive processes in the infrastructure sectors and the main industries adjacent to them. Identified various problems and guidelines in the modernization of production, and singled out the general trends and circumstances specific to the considered infrastructure sectors. Formulated the principles of the state policy of industrial infrastructure modernization.

For scientists, employees of state administration bodies and interested practitioners.