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The impact of the crisis on the finances of the real sector of the Ukrainian economy and ways to improve them

Danylenko, A.I. (Ed.). (2014). The impact of the crisis on the finances of the real sector of the Ukrainian economy and ways to improve them. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-7246-0

The monograph presents the results of a research on theoretical and methodological problems of the development of state economic regulation and the shaping of a state policy for improving company finances in Ukraine’s real sector. Considered the main shortcomings of the model of sectoral management of Ukraine’s economy in market conditions. Substantiated the need to shift to a model of economic management based on defined national priorities and priority innovation and investment projects. Special attention is paid to: assessing the impact of the crisis on company finances; financial levers and instruments of financial support for stabilization, tax and credit factors for strengthening the company finances; depreciation policy; the issue of capital generation, use and reproduction; problems of privatization and management of state corporate rights; and the guidelines for the development of financial planning and internal control in the context of ensuring the processes of improving company finances.


For scientists, civil servants, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions.