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The development of public finances of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization

Lunina, I.O. (Ed.). (2014). The development of public finances of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-7365-8

The monograph studies various theoretical and methodological problems of analysis and evaluation of the influence of external and internal risks on the condition of public finances under the globalization. Identified the factors that pose a potential threat of increasing the state's obligations. The authors consider the role of external corporate loans as a risk factor for national debt sustainability. A toolkit for assessing threats to the stability of public finances is proposed. The monograph analyzes the distribution of the tax burden between labor, capital and final consumption in Ukraine, taking into account the influence of factors of the global financial environment. Various proposals are substantiated for providing the national tax system with reliable sources of income. The authors investigate the instruments of public support of enterprises under the conditions of globalization. Defined various guidelines to reform the state support of Ukraine’s economy, taking into account the requirements of the WTO and the EU.

For specialists in budgetary and tax policy, scientists, teachers, graduate students and university students