Modernization of land transport systems of Ukraine
Nykyforuk, O.I. (2014). Modernization of land transport systems of Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-966-02-7428-0
The monograph examines the modernization of the transport system of Ukraine based on a combination of technical, technological and institutional changes. Using the concept of the techno-economic paradigm, the author defines in each technological order the dominant transport technology and that technology which emerges within it and which will dominate the next technological order. Considered in detail the formation of transport technologies of the latest technological orders and the reality of Ukraine in terms of integration into the world transport system and the development of land transport systems, mainly railway transport. Special attention is given to the institutional provision of co-adaptation of railway transport systems of Ukraine and the EU. The author shows the priorities of the modern transport policy of industrialized countries, countries of Eastern Europe and the European Community. Outlined the conceptual provisions of the strategy for the development of Ukraine’s transport system and the state policy measures for its implementation.
For employees of state administration bodies, scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions.