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Tools for regulation of spatial and economic development of Ukraine

Holikova, T.V. (Ed.). (2014). Tools for regulation of spatial and economic development of Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-7424-2

The monograph summarizes the theoretical and methodological views on the essence of the phenomenon of regional economic space, and proposes various methodological approaches to the measurement and modeling of the processes of its formation. The specific toolkit for the formation of the state’s economic space in modern conditions is substantiated with the definition of its properties, functions and constituent elements. Strategic management is presented as an effective means for modernizing the contemporary economic space, which focuses on increasing the competitiveness of both the state and its regions. Considered a set of tools and methods for improving the management of economic competition, including the transformation and synchronization of the structure of the administrative-territorial system of the state with its economic space, which objectively changes over time under the influence of external and internal factors.

For specialists in the field of spatial and economic development, scientists-economists, employees of the state administration apparatus, and teachers and students of higher economic specialties educational institutions