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A valuable component of modernization processes in modern Ukrainian society

Balakireva, O.M., Heyets, V.M., Sidenko, V.R. et al. (2014). A valuable component of modernization processes in modern Ukrainian society. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-7425-9

The monograph presents the results of a research on the transformation of a societal value system and determines its impact on modernization processes. The authors deal with the experience of modernization of Ukrainian society, examples of modernization projects of various countries and the possibilities of their implementation in Ukraine. To revive the creation of values ​​inherent in successful modernization projects, the monograph proposes various mediator values. Various aspects of modernization are analyzed, in particular: the potential of economic orientations of the population; value orientations of the production sector; social capital as one of the resources of modernization; mechanisms of formation of civil activities in Ukraine; and barriers to modernization of higher education.

The monograph was prepared within project on "A valuable component of modernization processes in the modern society of Ukraine" (state registration No 0112U002980).

The publication will be of interest to scientists, specialists, employees of state authorities, teachers, graduate students, and students of higher educational institutions.