Ukraine’s food industry:
Deineko, L.V., Sheludko, E.I. (2013). Ukraine’s food industry: efficiency of using production resources and personnel potential. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-966-02-6997-2
The problems of effective use of the production and personnel potential of the food industry were studied, trends and regularities of the development of the industry in the conditions of modern transformational processes were revealed. The objective necessity of the innovative transformation of the production potential of the food industry is substantiated, directions and mechanisms for increasing the innovative activity of the industry's enterprises are proposed. An analysis of the professional and qualification asymmetry in the field of employment was carried out and ways of improving the system of professional education of personnel in the field were proposed, the prospects for the interaction of the professional education system with employers were outlined.
For scientists, civil servants, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher and secondary special educational institutions.