Modern agrarian reforms in Ukraine
Yurchyshyn, V.V. (2013). Modern agrarian reforms in Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–6996–5
The monograph examines the historical, socio-economic aspects of the development of agriculture on the territory of Ukraine in the last century and a half. This development, evolutionary in its essence, was accompanied by various agrarian transformations. The most profound of them occurred precisely as a result of the ruptures of political eras: one was the result of the political end of the tsarist Russian empire, the other was the result of Ukraine's acquisition of political independence. Profound in their social meaning, the grievances became the political basis of the first and second agrarian revolutions in Ukraine, respectively. As a result of the first of them, the collective farm-state system was formed in the country's agriculture and existed for more than seven decades. The second agrarian revolution still continues with ambiguously assessed social and socio-economic results.