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Hierarchy and networks in the institutional architectonics of economic systems

Grytsenko, A.A. (Ed.). (2013). Hierarchy and networks in the institutional architectonics of economic systems. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Russian].

ISBN 978-966-02-6819-7

In the present project, the relationship between hierarchy and networks is qualified as the main structural and organizational problem of the XXI century. The researchers reveal that hierarchy and network are not different, self-sufficient and independent, but mutually assumed and mutually dependent structures, whose interconnection has been developing throughout the history taking different shapes in the global and local institutional spaces. At present, that development is related to the formation the information and network based society and networking man. It is shown that the generalities of the functioning of the information and network based society essentially differs from those of the industrial society, and the increasingly network based social ties not only open up huge prospects, but also creates fundamental risks leading to fragmentation and decay of human society and personality. Destiny of the human society will depend on whether it will manage to hierachize the networks, keep the basic human values as a dominant priority and create the corresponding institutions. Otherwise the network without hierarchy will put the society into the general chaos.