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Risks and prospects of Ukraine's development in the period of post-crisis recovery

Danylenko, A.I. (Ed.). (2012). Risks and prospects of Ukraine's development in the period of post-crisis recovery. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978–966–02–6515–8

A wide range of socio-economic and financial problems at the current stage of development of the economy of Ukraine has been studied. General economic trends in Ukraine in the context of the global recession in 2008–2011, problems and prospects for the development of metallurgy, the agro-industrial complex, and the energy sector are analyzed. The key tasks of the state economic policy, in particular the innovation policy in the country, have been identified. The impact of foreign economic factors on the formation of financial resources for the development of the economy of Ukraine is analyzed. The influence of the crisis on the state of finances of the state and real sectors of the economy of Ukraine was studied and the main problems in this area were identified. The problems of the social and labor sphere are revealed, including the impact of the crisis on the labor market and the level of its payment. The results of sociological research on the social attitudes and expectations of the population of Ukraine at the current stage are given. Conceptual approaches to managing the economy based on public-private partnership and mechanisms for their implementation have been developed. A quantitative and qualitative assessment of Ukraine's economic development prospects is provided.

For scientists, university teachers and students, employees of ministries and departments, as well as in general for readers who are interested in modern problems of the socio-economic development of Ukraine.