Markets in Ukraine’s real sector in the WTO institutional environment:
Tochylin,V.O. (Ed.). (2012). Markets in Ukraine’s real sector in the WTO institutional environment: conjuncture and integration. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–6626–1
The monograph highlights the influence of the foreign economic situation on the dynamics of basic domestic markets, taking into account the development of integration processes. The work substantiates the ways of transforming the basic markets of Ukraine into more stable economic systems capable of dynamic development in conditions of sharp fluctuations or protracted downturns in the global economy. The main advantage of the obtained results is that they not only outline the priority areas of economic policy aimed at sustainable and accelerated growth of the national market of Ukraine, but also detail them in relation to its main sectors: agro-food products, energy resources and metal products.
The monograph can be useful for scientists, employees of state administration bodies, university teachers, graduate students, and students.