The institution of trust in economic space-time coordinates
Grytsenko, A.A. (Ed.). (2012). The institution of trust in economic space-time coordinates. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–6670–4
The monograph is devoted to the mechanisms of implementation of trust as one of the basic institutions of society in economic space-time. The authors reveal the internal structure of trust as a social relationship and, based on it, offer their own definition of trust as a social phenomenon and trust in the economic sphere in particular. It is substantiated that trust was historically the first institution, since the structure of the institution and the structure of trust in their defining characteristics coincide, in particular, both of these categories express identity, unity of individual and society, separation and compatibility. Since the unity of space and time is embodied, first of all, in value, which on the surface is represented by goods and money, the authors find out the features of the manifestation of trust in economic space-time in its two fundamental components: the space-time of management, characterized by the movement of goods and services, and monetary space-time characterized by the movement of money. The book also analyzes the nature of the formation of trust in Ukrainian society in comparison with other countries, the patterns of the manifestation of trust in different societies.