Financial planning at enterprises:
Bilousova, O.S. (2012). Financial planning at enterprises: theory, methodology, practice. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-966-02-6627-8
Issues of financial planning at enterprises are considered as an important component of the management system. The theoretical and methodological foundations of financial planning were studied and the dual role of enterprise financial planning was revealed - in ensuring both state and corporate prudential management. Special attention is paid to: mechanisms of state regulation of enterprise finances, means of forming an indicative relationship and broadcasting indicators of financial plans; problems of harmonizing strategic and tactical plans; methodical, organizational support and planning practice; approaches to the implementation of indicators of financial plans for various forms of capital pooling for the implementation of innovative cluster, public-private partnership projects.
For scientists, civil servants, teachers, graduate students, students, as well as the general public of readers who are interested in the problems of enterprise financial management.