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Factors of macroeconomic instability in the system of models of economic development

Skrypnychenko, M.I. (Ed.). (2012). Factors of macroeconomic instability in the system of models of economic development. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978–966–02–6646–9

The monograph systematically reveals the modern specifics of the interaction of macro-instability factors in the economy of Ukraine and details them by sector (in particular, the decline in output and GDP, the rise in producer and consumer prices, sharp changes in internal and external demand, the unofficial level of unemployment, low dynamics of investments, anticipatory growth of personal income and consumer spending, budget deficit and debt obligations, shocks on the financial market of Ukraine, the high degree of openness of the Ukrainian economy, the devaluation of the hryvnia, the growth of imports and the threatening negative trade balance, the "flight" of capital, etc.), the approaches to their formalization are substantiated and their impact on the economic dynamics of Ukraine for the period up to 2015 is evaluated. under the current unstable conditions of development of the world and domestic economy.

For scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of economic universities, specialists in the field of economic planning and forecasting.