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Energy policy of sustainable development

Lier, V.E. (2012). Energy policy of sustainable development. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-6647-6

A wide range of topical issues related to the substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the sustainable development policy, the analysis of modern trends in the development of the energy sector and energy markets, the formation and forecasting of the structural proportions of the energy balance are considered, the institutional foundations of the state energy policy, as well as its environmental and social aspects, are revealed. The main idea of the monograph is the thesis that the effectiveness of the energy policy of sustainable development of the country will be largely determined only by joint and coordinated actions of state institutions, business and society.

For researchers, employees of the state management apparatus, teachers, graduate students and students of economic, energy and environmental specialties of universities.