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Effectiveness of functioning and development prospects of Ukraine’s banking system

Karcheva, H.T. (2012). Effectiveness of functioning and development prospects of Ukraine’s banking system. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978–966–02–6577–6

The principles of efficiency and development of banking systems are investigated. Efficiency criteria have been identified and conceptual approaches to assessing the efficiency of banking systems are substantiated.

A comprehensive study of the formation and development of the banking system of Ukraine has been conducted and scientific approaches have been developed on the model of its development. The management of bank liquidity and profitability as important components of efficiency with the use of economic and mathematical methods and an integrated approach to the management of assets and liabilities of banks and risks in their activities is analyzed.  Mechanisms for stimulating institutional development and progressive structural changes in the banking sector are proposed.