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Technological imperative of the strategy of Ukraine’s socio-economic development

Fedulova, L.I. (Ed.). (2011). Technological imperative of the strategy of Ukraine’s socio-economic development. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978–966–02–5986–7

The conceptual principles of cyclical technological development are considered; strategic national priorities, the essence and justified necessity of applying the methodology of technological forecasting is revealed; the results of a systematic analysis of the role of the technological factor in ensuring the socio-economic development of the economy of Ukraine are given. An assessment of the ratio of financial and technological imperatives and investment resources for the development of national production was carried out; the trends of their development are identified and substantiated. A set of methodical and organizational measures to activate the organizational resource of the state and business in the context of implementing the principle of the technological imperative of socio-economic development is proposed.

For scientists, civil servants, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions.