Stability of Ukraine’s financial markets and mechanisms for its support
Baranovskyi, O.I. (Ed.). (2010). Stability of Ukraine’s financial markets and mechanisms for its support. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–5775–7
The theoretical and methodological foundations of the sustainability of the commercial bank and the banking system, credit unions, insurance companies and the insurance system, the state pension system and non-state pension funds, the stock market are determined. The essence, factors of occurrence and peculiarities of manifestation of banking crises are determined. An assessment of the stability of the banking system of Ukraine and its institutions, domestic microfinance organizations and insurance companies, pension and stock markets is given. The mechanisms of ensuring the stability of the banking system of Ukraine, overcoming crisis phenomena in the domestic mortgage lending market, organization of the process of management of risks in the bank are presented. The directions of ensuring the financial stability of insurance companies and the insurance system, ways to increase the stability of pension support in Ukraine, measures to restore the stability of the stock market are analyzed .
For experts and scientists in the field of finance, employees of state structures and financial and credit sphere, teachers, doctoral students, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher education institutions.