Economic mechanism of the implementation of energy efficiency policy in Ukraine
Lier, V.E., Pysmenna, U.Ie. (2010). Economic mechanism of the implementation of energy efficiency policy in Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-966-02-5608-8
A wide range of issues related to organizational, economic and institutional aspects of energy saving and energy efficiency, as well as issues of formation and effective functioning of the market of energy efficient technologies and services in Ukraine, are highlighted. An economic mechanism for the formation of incentives for energy saving is proposed, as well as a draft concept for the development of the market for energy-efficient technologies and services in Ukraine.
For scientists, employees of state management bodies, practitioners in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, teachers of higher educational institutions, graduate students, students and readers interested in the issues of efficient consumption of energy resources and the development and regulation of markets for energy efficient technologies and services.