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Technological structure of Ukrainian industry:

Odotiuk, I.V. (2009). Technological structure of Ukrainian industry: realities and development prospects. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978–966–02–5440–4

In the monograph, for the first time, a comprehensive study of the technological structure of Ukraine's industrial production from the standpoint of innovation, knowledge, and investment factors ensuring its effective development was carried out. Based on the study of domestic and foreign experience, systematic generalizations have been made regarding the features, economic prerequisites, and regulatory levers for solving the problem of transforming the technological structure and stimulating innovative shifts in Ukrainian industry. Forecast scenarios of the economic development of knowledge-intensive production in Ukraine for the period up to 2020 have been developed and substantiated, the stages, framework conditions and consequences of their implementation have been outlined.

For scientists, employees of the economic block of central and regional executive bodies, teachers, graduate students, students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions.