Society, state, economy:
Heyets, V.M. (2009). Society, state, economy: phenomenology of interaction and development. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–5437–4
The monograph is the result of an interdisciplinary study of the problems of interaction and partnership of society, the state and the economy, which is one of the fundamental ideas of this work. The author, applying a phenomenological approach, analyzed and revealed the essence of the common and contradictory existing in society, the state and the economy, and accordingly determined the role of the personal-human factor in their transformation, which made it possible to expand the content of transformation processes, taking into account economic and social approaches and methods. The influence of globalization on the internal development of the country in the interaction of the world and national with the use of cooperation strategies is revealed. An endogenously oriented model of development is substantiated, based on which it is possible to ensure its new development - to a society and economy of knowledge that motivates creativity of actions, without which it will be impossible to overcome barriers on the way to deep and unpredictable future changes in conditions of political instability in society and the conflict with the economy, and in the economy itself - a shortage of resources and fierce competition; in nature - excessive anthropogenic stress and climate change, and in psychology, which is the main thing for human life, - the replacement of traditional cause-and-effect relationships with unexpected new ones, where the virtual representation begins to dominate the real one.
For scientists-specialists, employees of state authorities, teachers, graduate students, students of higher educational institutions.