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Sustainable development of agrosphere of Ukraine:

Popova, O.L. (2009). Sustainable development of agrosphere of Ukraine: policy and mechanisms. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-5193-9

Theoretical and methodological bases, strategic directions and mechanisms of a sustainable development of national agrarian sphere in interests of public welfare and justice of generations are shined. Categorical nature is founded, object constructs of agrarian sphere, the system of criteria and conceptual foundations of its sustainable development are dedicated. The role of agrolandscape as agrosphere component is opened; offers concerning increase of agroecological image of Ukraine and improvement of mechanisms of sustainable development of agrosphere, in particular economic, in the conditions of menacing calls of the present are dedicated.

It is intended for scientists, experts of agrarian sphere, teachers, postgraduate students and students.