Ukraine’s competitiveness under the conditions of globalization
Shnypko, O.S. (2009). Ukraine’s competitiveness under the conditions of globalization. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–5438–1
The monograph summarizes the theoretical and methodological views on the essence, factors and possibilities of ensuring the country's competitiveness in the period of post-industrial globalization. The experience of foreign countries in regulating the improvement of national competitiveness is analyzed. The nature and significance of protective mechanisms of competitiveness of national firms are revealed. The positioning of the Ukrainian company in the global competitive space is considered, the key factors shaping the place of domestic exporting enterprises in the world economy are highlighted. The main components of the formation of the modern resource base of competitiveness have been studied.
For scientists, teachers and students of universities, employees of ministries and departments, as well as for the general public of readers interested in the problem of economic competitiveness.