Development of Ukraine’s banking system
Baranovskyi, O.I. (Ed.). (2008). Development of Ukraine’s banking system. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–4563–7
The monograph defines the essence of financial intermediation, its functions and models, and the intermediary role of Ukraine's banks on the financial market. The authors determine theoretical and institutional foundations of integration and development of banking, industrial and insurance capital. The monograph provides theoretico-methodological bases of regulation and supervision in the banking sphere, the conditions and problems of their organization in Ukraine, the tools to make decisions on monetary policy, various issues of exchange control in the banking sector and regulation of foreign capital in banking system of Ukraine, and the guidelines to improve regulation and supervision in the banking sphere. The authors highlight the essence, factors and indicators of financial security of the commercial banks and the banking system as a whole, as well as dangers to its functioning. Proposals on conceptual bases of financial security of commercial banks in Ukraine have been provided.
The work is the result of research conducted by Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine in 2004-2007.
For banking specialists, economists, and higher school professors and students in the field of economics.