State target programs and streamlining the program process in the budgetary sphere
Heyets, V.M. (Ed.). (2008). State target programs and streamlining the program process in the budgetary sphere. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-966-00-0749-9
The trends and features of the use of state targeted programs in the budget sphere of Ukraine are considered. Taking into account the experience of foreign countries that actively apply budget programming methods in practice, methodological approaches and a mechanism for controlling the implementation of state targeted programs in the budget process are proposed, proposals for improving the legal and legal support of budgeting in the program-target format are substantiated. With the use of the developed methodological approach, an analytical evaluation of the implementation of state targeted programs in Ukraine for previous years was done and proposals for editing the budget programming process. have been prepared.