Ukrainian financial thought in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries
Nebrat, V.V. (2007). Ukrainian financial thought in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–4566–2
The monograph examines the historical and methodological problems of becoming financial science as an independent field of knowledge and contribution of Ukrainian economists of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the development of the theory and history of finance, theoretical development of monetary and financial policy issues.
The historical conditions and theoretical origins of the development of finance in Ukrainian economic thought are analyzed. The main areas of research are considered. The national features of the problems and methodology of financial research were determined, the provisions on formation of Ukrainian Scientific School of Finance in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are substantiated.
The book is addressed to scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher education institutions, all those who are interested in economic history and history of science.