Structural harmonization of Ukraine’s economy as a factor of economic growth
Kriuchkova, I.V. (Ed.). (2007). Structural harmonization of Ukraine’s economy as a factor of economic growth. Kyiv: I Ekspres [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–8674–11–2
The monograph comprehensively investigated the structural processes in the economy and their connection with economic dynamics. The theoretical and methodological aspects of transformational changes, economic cycles and patterns in the formation of macro-proportions in GDP units, production by types of economic activity, structuring of enterprises, etc. are considered. Particular attention is paid to structural shifts that accompany the process of transformation of post-socialist economies into market economies, modeling the impact of structural changes on the dynamics of GDP and justifying the parameters of macrostructural harmonization. In the practical plane, taking into account international experience, specific recommendations on the structural policy of the government in Ukraine were given.
For experts in macroeconomics, economists, teachers and students of economic specialties of higher education institutions.