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Strategic challenges of the 21st century to the society and economy of Ukraine:

Heyets, V.M., Semynozhenko, V.P., Kvasniuk, B.Ie. (2007). Strategic challenges of the 21st century to the society and economy of Ukraine: in 3 vol. Kyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian].

Vol. 2: Innovative and technological development of the economy.

ISBN 978–966–651–440–3 (general)

ISBN 978–966–651–442–7 (Vol. 2)

Volume 2 of the monograph deals with the conceptual foundations of innovation and technological development and the results of the analysis of the scientific, technological and innovation sphere in general and branches of high-tech industrial production in particular are given. The organizational and investment resource of technological development of economy at the level of corporate structures, the regional level and indicated on the peculiarities of technological development of enterprises is evaluated. Scenarios of technological development and mechanisms of innovative and industrial and technological policy of Ukraine in terms of answers to the main challenges of global development of society and economy are proposed.

For scientists, civil servants, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher education institutions.