Ukraine’s industrial potential:
Kindzerskyi, Yu.V. (Ed.). (2007). Ukraine’s industrial potential: problems and prospects of structural and innovative transformations. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–4449–8
New theoretical views on the content of industrial potential are highlighted. The conceptual approaches and practical mechanisms of its formation policy were further developed. The methodology of evaluation of technological innovation of industrial production is proposed and the prospects for technological transformations in the economy are considered. The levers of effective management of innovation at industrial enterprises and its infrastructure support on the basis of activation of the creative resource of employees have been developed.
The link between the levels of innovation and organizational development of the economy is shown and the orientations and mechanisms of stimulating progressive organizational transformations in industry are substantiated. The directions and levers of improving the efficiency of use of investment resources to ensure structural and innovative transformations in the industry are determined.
For employees of public administration, scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational establishments of economic profile, everyone who is interested in modern economic policy in Ukraine.