Models of endogenous growth of Ukraine’s economy
Skrypnychenko, M.I. (Ed.). (2007). Models of endogenous growth of Ukraine’s economy. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–4567–9
Systemic disclosure of features and components of the modernization project of the further development of the Ukrainian economy and society is considered as a component of the natural historical process and at the same time as a managed process, the main mechanism of which at this stage of development is the processes of endogenous nature, related to the consistent transformation of new knowledge into everyday which is a decisive component of social life. Accordingly, sectoral macromodels and their integration were developed in the original model design of expanded production function according to endogenous factors of economic development, which consists of indexes of integral indicators (production, human, scientific, technological, financial, foreign economic) according to the conditions of economy of endogenous growth.
The system of endogenous macromodels of Ukraine is imprisoned with all major areas of the national economy and is intended for imitation forecasting in accordance with the given scenarios of choice of effective economic policy in the context of ensuring the strategy of socio-economic development of Ukraine, focused on stable economic growth.
For scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of economic universities, specialists in the fields of economic planning and forecasting.