Cost and price:
Artomova, T.I. (2006). Cost and price: logical-historical process of formation. Kyiv: Osnova [in Russian].
ISBN 966–699–173–Х
The monograph examines the logic and historical process of formation of value and price as the deployment of concepts and relations of economic value. Economic value is defined as the benefit (economic institute), the only triple certainty of marginal utility, value and price, and is revealed by the delineation of its substance, source, form, measure.
By consistently developing the scientific hypothesis of the interconnection of the relationship of value and being of economic space-time, the author reveals the preconditions for the formation of a methodology of relativistic economic science, which is able to effectively transform the economic foundations of social life.
In the world of economic value theory, historical dialogue of scientific schools, enlightened methodological aspects of the concepts of the price of production of D. Ricardo, transformed economic forms of K. Marx, standard product of P. Sraffa and others in the context of their contribution to the substantiation of institutional preconditions for the overall economic equilibrium and sustainable development of the economic system, including in the conditions of market transformation of inversion type.
The content of institutionalism in the broad sense was revealed - in relation to labor theory of value and marginalism - as a classical direction in economic science. Its founder is A. Smith, the most prominent representatives - D. Ricardo, A. Marshall, J. Keynes, P. Sraffa, J. Robinson.
Key concepts: marginal utility, value, price, economic value, economic good as an institution, general economic equilibrium, sustainable development of the economic system, methodology of economic science, relativistic political economy.
For experts in the field of economic theory, political economy, value theory, teachers and students of economic universities.