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State finances and reforming of inter-budgetary relations

Lunina, I.O. (2006). State finances and reforming of inter-budgetary relations. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Russian].

ISBN 966–00–0640–3

The monograph covers the theoretical and methodological principles of development of public finances and intergovernmental relations in Ukraine. The theoretical concept of reforming the system of intergovernmental relations, based on economic principles and criteria for the distribution of powers between state authorities and local self-government, is proposed. The factors that affect the level of government expenditures are investigated. The tax system of Ukraine in terms of compliance with theoretical principles of taxation and the tasks of reforming intergovernmental relations is analyzed. Proposals for reforming key elements of the public finance system of Ukraine are substantiated.

For heads of all levels, scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of universities.